Static stretching is when you hold your muscle in a lengthened position to literally stretch the muscle. Massage Photo credit: iStock. Surely there’s a fourth reason for stretching, which is to increase or maintain flexibility and range of movement. That’s important for some physical activities though not for all. Either one of these can cause muscle soreness, but static stretching can cause more laxity in your joints. Yoga is a time-tried art and exercise that brings your whole mind and body into alignment. Slight stiffness and the moderate discomfort that this causes is normal, but when you start to feel any jarring pain, this is an indication that you're further tearing already-damaged muscle tissue. There’s still a little wiggle room here. Static stretching involves holding a pose which is challenging while unmoving for a fixed period of time. This is best done at the end of a workout when your muscles are warm. Now this Cochrane Review reaffirms that the third point is misguided too — and the BJSM reviewers make it clear that, in their opinion, this isn’t one of those tentative findings that might be modified by future research: The best available evidence indicates that stretching does not reduce muscle soreness. In particular, I’m open to the possibility that individually tailored stretching targeted at specific areas of weakness, inflexibility or imbalance could help people avoid or treat certain injuries. Maybe people with short calves are just more likely to have Achilles problems! For example, this 2004 review of 361 studies by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that “stretching was not significantly associated with a reduction in total injuries.”. Most fitness professionals -- and anyone who's worked out hard, then stretched -- agree that stretch can reduce, if not completely eliminate, muscle stiffness and soreness. Or it goes away the next day? Just as trainers rush the field to stretch a football player’s calf when he tumbles to the ground with a calf muscle spasm, post-run stretching helps relieve tightness that results from the stress of workouts. However, go easy with these. In answer to the question on the Running Times homepage, 11 of the 12 studies in this review used static stretching, while one used PNF stretching.]. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Alternatively, opt for a low-cardio exercise like a slow pace on an exercise bike. Here's a closer look at how, as well as what you can do to begin working past your aches and pains using stretching. For example, my calves are killing me after Sunday. : 63 It is thought to be caused by eccentric (lengthening) exercise, which causes small-scale damage (microtrauma) to the muscle fibers. There are so many different techniques to combine that professional athletes are forever honing their craft and developing better ways to train and rest. I grew up with stretching, and in a sport like swimming where flexibility is considered far more important than in running, I always felt like I should be doing it. Debates about what stretching can or can't do have gone on for years; advocates claim it not only reduces muscle soreness but also improves performance and reduces injury risk. The analysis incorporated 12 studies, including one very large randomized trial with 2,377 participants. Watch on YouTube here: How Does Stretching Help Sore Muscles Looking for How Does Stretching Help Sore Muscles Why Stretch? In this case, if you’re arguing that chronic stretching might reduce muscle soreness in the long term, that is indeed a different question. There are lots of approaches to staying fit, but most holistic pain mitigation revolves around keeping yourself supply, strong and healthy enough to never be troubled by injury in the first place. However, following a routine soleus stretching regime to prevent hypomobility seems like it should decrease the likelihood in injury. I guess my point is, (and as you alluded to at the end) don’t let studies like this discourage you form maintaining flexibility by stretching regularly. Acute muscle soreness refers to the pain that occurs during and immediately after exercise. There are two main types of soreness that you'll encounter. The other 11 studies were not able to provide any support for stretching to prevent sore muscles. If you must stretch, do it beforehand and stick to dynamic moves As you stretching using static techniques, blood flow is increased to the joints, which alleviates tension and cramping. Whilst it is believed to hinder some 1RM exercises the jury is out about its effect on longer endurance activity. For some of us, our sore muscles represent a reward, for others, we could definitely do without it.Either way… we are all in pain. Muscle Soreness. I always have tight calves. At 24 hours postexercise, the pooled mean effect of stretching after exercise was −0.9 mm (on a 100-mm scale; … The evidence derived from mainly laboratory-based studies of stretching indicate that muscle stretching does not reduce delayed-onset muscle soreness in young healthy adults. As the pressure releases, a sensation of relaxation sets upon the area which puts it in a great state for recovery. Does Stretching Help Sore Muscles? Unfortunately, stretching before or after a workout or stretching both times had no significant impact on DOMS symptoms. These studies are great, but all have one key flaw- they look at the impact of that particular bout of stretching in relation to the subsequent bout of exercise (or at least within a short time frame). Much research has measured the effects of post-exercise stretching on muscle soreness and very often found positive results [11]; simply meaning stretching after exercise reduces muscle soreness. This effect, though statistically significant, is very small. Try stretching exercises that work your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, chest, triceps, lower back, shoulders, and core. But if you read the fine print, you'll see … This type of muscle … When you combine relaxation with effective stretching such as Yoga or the cutting edge techniques in the Hyperbolic Stretching guide, you've got a surefire recipe for rapid recovery and muscle strength. Most top runners I know gave up pre-run static stretching long ago (before studies told them to do so), and they stretch post-run for the same reason: real-world experience. Likewise, stretching helps in recovering from sore muscles (the condition known as delayed onset … Stretching Before Exercising Weakens Muscles. It doesn't. [P.S. Today we talk about stretching and can it help you gain muscle. Not all types of muscle pain are the same. In my case, I’ve dealt with some psoas and hip flexor issues. Start your cooldown by ending your chosen exercise, followed by a short break. To show that calf stretching prevents Achilles problems, we need a study showing that people who do calf stretching get fewer Achilles problems. This pain and stiffness is completely different to the acute sensation accompanying a good training session and is caused by microscopic damage to muscle fibers. These findings were consistent across settings (laboratory vs field studies), types and intensity of stretching, populations (athletic or untrained adults of both genders) and study quality. As such, they are unlikely to be changed by further studies. It’s possible I suppose that the stretches are superfluous and it’s the warm-up exercises that are doing the work, but I’m not about to conclude that without experimenting and frankly in this one-person case, I’m not willing to risk the consequences. We were told by some trainer or friend that stretching is good for us and that it can help us avoid muscle soreness and injury from our workout. I was not aware of the studies @Christian lists, and I have only read their abstracts at this point, but my experience seems to be consistent with their findings. It can also improve performance in subsequent workouts. The title says is all: “Stretching before or after exercise does not reduce delayed-onset muscle soreness.” This isn’t a surprise — while the exact mechanism that leads to DOMS is still up for debate, it’s pretty clear that it involves microscopic damage to muscle fibres and the subsequent repair process. That’s because they don’t get DOMS anymore. The best available evidence indicates that stretching does not reduce muscle soreness. If you’re a hockey goaltender or a ballerina, range of motion is of course essential to success. ​Stretching does help sore muscles, but there are other times when you need to rest first. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc or its affiliates. The main consequence of those issues (in my case) is that they cause a functional leg length difference. Doing a series of pre-running warm-up exercises and stretches has entirely eliminated this problem. 1 Delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) typically arises within the first day after exercise and peaks in intensity at around 48 h. 2 This review is an update of a Cochrane review first published in 2007. There are two main types of soreness that you'll encounter. Your body does not naturally produce all the amino acids it needs, and the ones it doesn’t produce you have to get from food or supplements, including some that are vital for muscle repair. I see from the splits that you used your wily veteran pacing to reel in Mihira!]. Not all types of muscle pain are the same. Posted By: Holistic Stretching February 7, 2020. @Hilary Curtis Im with Hilary on this one too. DOMS or overuse or tightness? Here are five of the best post-workout stretches to help ease away the pain of sore muscles. Sore muscles can be quite painful and hinder your daily life and activities. Stretching feels good but overdoing it when you’re already sore can increase DOMS, according to some data. After all, this is probably why most of us do stretching before we begin lifting weights, running, or any other fitness related activity. 1 As indicated above, however, stretching has plenty of benefits to offer the muscles more generally. Stretching can help training and recovery immensely, particularly when you turn to the industry-leading methods available in the Hyperbolic Stretching guide. @Sean: Sorry, maybe I misunderstood your previous comment. According to research, massaging your sore body parts can help ease the soreness. Of course, it makes sense that abnormally limited dorsiflexion would be associated with increased risk of Achilles tendinopathy. Here’s a forest plot of some of the results, from the BJSM summary: As the Cochrane Review notes, people generally stretch for one of three reasons: There’s plenty of evidence that the second point is misguided: stretching actually seems to harm athletic performance in many contexts. I guess “flaw” is the wrong word- the review drew conclusions on exactly what they set out to examine. The soreness is felt most strongly 24 to 72 hours after the exercise. It is suggested that dynamic or static stretching after exercise, as Hiliary stated, is advantageous for range of movement, flexibility, and for reducing stiffness (for older participants)….. However, even if you are a seasoned fitness fanatic or a long time athlete, muscle soreness can still creep into your life and disrupt your daily routine. Numerous studies have failed to find any reduction in injuries following stretching, but it’s certainly a complicated topic. Acute soreness can be instantly recognized as a burning sensation in the muscles, which arises leading to the discomfort ending a workout. 10) Foam rolling/massage. @Hilary: Yes, absolutely. Acute muscle soreness refers to the pain that occurs during and immediately after exercise. Once those muscle fibres are damaged, no amount of post-exercise stretching can magically undamage them! Once you feel your heart rate stabilizing, you can start a series of stretches. Muscle soreness… you have felt it before, and you will feel it again. It is not advisable for anyone to stretch while feeling any degree of acute muscle soreness as this can directly lead to severe tears in your muscles. Sore muscles are a pain that you surely do not want to live with even for a day. Stretching is vitally important to supporting the constant contracting and lengthening of muscles. Sore muscles are a pain that you surely do not want to live with even for a day. Progress to a brisk walk, slowing your pace as your breathing and heart rate return to normal. see this review). When your workout reaches its peak intensity, and your muscles begin to ache, don't drop straight into stretching exercises. And as a result, it seems plausible that routine soleus stretching would reduce that risk. One reason for stretching before or after exercise is to reduce the risk of soreness after exercise. In terms of the ability of chronic stretching to reduce injuries (the first of the three reasons I listed), I agree that it remains an open question. The best way to recover from exhausting competition is to move with little pressure on muscles, such as cycling at a relaxed pace (American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, June 2007). One 2011 study found that stretching had little to no effect on muscle soreness after exercise. (I know that is not worded very well, but that is the best way I can think to describe right now… almost like chronic stretching continually weakened me). I am not saying that stretching is the reason why, but I will say it seems like I maintain more power over the long term by not stretching as often. A proper cooldown period will put you in the optimal state for recovery. Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is the pain and stiffness felt in muscles several hours to days after unaccustomed or strenuous exercise.. This difference leads to more pounding on one leg than the other which has, in the past, led to knee pain. Check out my bestselling new book on the science of endurance, ENDURE: Mind, Body, and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance, published in February 2018 with a foreword by Malcolm Gladwell. There are few other sources of wisdom that combine as much valuable, practical info in one place. Follow these stretches with a foam or myofascial roller to give yourself the best muscle recovery rate possible. Stretching. Therefore, I wouldnt rule it out just yet . A good cooldown will always work all your major muscle group. What about stretching already sore muscles? Stretching to prevent or reduce muscle soreness after exercise. My trainer stresses the importance of stretching to me and I’m just wondering if this is a widely held notion. 18. the third of three reasons I listed for stretching). The biggest study included in the Cochrane Review showed a very small reduction (four points out of 100) in muscle soreness 48 hours after exercise. Data from 77 subjects were pooled for the meta-analysis of muscle soreness outcomes at 24, 48, and 72 hours after exercising. Static stretching is not always necessary. Does Stretching Give You Lean Muscles? However, I wanted to highlight the fact that this review does not address chronic stretching, especially with the title of your entry being “Stretching doesn’t prevent or reduce muscle soreness” (because, maybe it does in the long term). These studies just show that it does not matter if your stretching regime takes place before, after or nowhere near when your exercise (maybe just not to do it before, if anything). As such, they are unlikely to be changed by further studies. I’ve never actually heard anyone suggest that. A 2011 meta-study published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews would seem to refute that, warning that stretching doesn't provide "clinically significant" reductions in muscle soreness. Oh, and good race, by the way! I know Alex believes in proper studies (as do I), but this is my personal experience. But just because there’s a correlation doesn’t mean the associated intervention will necessarily help. However, even if you are a seasoned fitness fanatic or a long time athlete, muscle soreness can… Read More. uses affiliate links to support the site. Reaching a plateau in training is a personal challenge that will be uniquely different for each of us so don’t be afraid to combine approaches until you find the set of skills that works for gains and good health. 3 A large randomised trial (2377 participants) of both pre and postexercise stretching has been … Doing some stretching can loosen the muscles that became too tight during your run. Once you're used to static stretching, more advanced exercises are possible without a great risk of hurting yourself. We’ve found Ming Chew’s fascial stretches to help with muscle soreness when used pre and post workout. You may be tempted to stretch those muscles to ease some of that pain, but that could be a waste of time. ), I’m happy to read the last line of this post: “I’m open to the possibility that individually tailored stretching targeted at specific areas of weakness, inflexibility or imbalance could help people avoid or treat certain injuries.”. Reducing muscle soreness after exercise is a cornerstone objective of enhancing recovery. Stretching gives flexibility and less chance for … My flexibility has not changed significantly over that time. Static stretching is highly beneficial to any cooldown so incorporate techniques that you're comfortable with to improve the long-term benefits of your workout, your recovery, and flexibility. A meta-analysis of 12 studies published in the Cochrane database looked at the impact of stretching on DOMS. @Sean: I wouldn’t say that’s a “flaw” in the studies. Recently I began a weight training program in addition to my running. For all studies but one, total stretching time per session ranged from 300 to 600 seconds. Almost immediately (within the first couple of weeks) I noticed greatly improved range of motion, hamstrings in particular, during post run stretching. See his full book here. @Pete All gains are a result of microtears which have healed, but you don't want your muscles to be stretched while they're sensitive and slightly damaged from a good, healthy workout. ENDURE: Mind, Body, and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance, the most recent Cochrane Review on stretching to prevent or reduce muscle soreness, stretching actually seems to harm athletic performance, Start List/Liste de Départ: Drayton Still King « Montreal Endurance, A New Series…or Train of Thought At Least « AtlTriHollywood's Training, Racing, & Life -Lesso,,,,, Stretching for Soreness « Jim Wardle's Centennial CVI Site, Around The Blogs 27.10.11 | Barefoot Journey, Four Easy Ways To Reduce Soreness | Anthony J. Yeung | Where Philosophy Meets Fitness, Four Easy Ways To Reduce Soreness and Recover Faster | Anthony J. Yeung | Where Philosophy Meets Fitness, Four Easy Ways To Reduce Soreness and Recover Faster « « Sans Focus Sans Focus, Defeating DOMS: Tips for Alleviating Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness | How to Become a Personal Trainer, How to Prevent Running’s Overuse Injuries with 9 Simple Little Things, How to Prevent Running’s Overuse Injuries | Rebornpt's Blog, Sweat Science blog moving to Runner’s World site, Muscle biopsies show massage fights inflammation. But, stretching can increase blood flow and help healing a tiny bit. Does that fall under the injury-reduction heading or the soreness-reduction heading? These findings were consistent across settings (laboratory vs field studies), types and intensity of stretching, populations (athletic or untrained adults of both genders) and study quality. I don’t know. As of September 2017, new Sweat Science columns are being published at The exception was one study in which total stretching time was 80 seconds. I thought you were arguing that chronic stretching might reduce injuries (like Achilles tendinopathy), which is a question addressed by the other review I linked to. Muscle soreness after exercise can be uncomfortable and disrupt a person’s fitness routine. From increased flexibility, to improved circulation, regular stretching has lots of positive effects on the body. Acute muscle soreness that causes persistent discomfort characterized by constant pain, swelling, and impaired movement should never be stretched. Used to will end up hurt, you can start a series pre-running. Put you in the Cochrane database looked at the impact of stretching that. Shown to increase or maintain flexibility and range of motion is of course essential to success recovery! 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