In the period of 1917/1918, when unrestricted warfare was waged on Allied shipping by the German U-Boat arm, it appeared to be a specific policy to target British Hospital ships for destruction. She had been attached to the Third Western General Hospital at Cardiff from the beginning of the war, and was drafted out to Malta at the beginning of July 1916 and thence to Salonica. LIST OF HOSPITAL SHIPS DESTROYED BY SUBMARINES OR MINES (Some of the hospital ships were destroyed after they had been classed as ambulance tranports) From the Official History of the Great War, Medical Services General History, Appendix C, Volume 1. Other details are found elsewhere in the book. H.S. "ANGLIA. We know now that 1918 was the last year of World War 1, and that it would culminate in total defeat of Germany with the “Last Hundred Days”, in which the trench lines were breached and open warfare resumed, representing the greatest single victory in British military history. Until 1915 these steamers had carried passengers across the Tasman for the Union Steam Ship Company, but as casualties mounted at Gallipoli, the government pressed them into service as hospital ships. Other details are found elsewhere in the book. There are ship additions from other sources, as well as chartered oilers and colliers lost in Admiralty service from "British Vessels Lost at Sea" HMSO 1919.. See "British Naval Vessels Lost, Damaged and Attacked" for fuller details of oilers and colliers, as well as the loss of other vessels. Plumridge's "Hospital Ships and Ambulance Trains" has a list of Hospital Ships and other vessels used for the reception, treatment and movement of casualties during the Gallipoli campaign. Hospital Great War history Remarks; Australian Voluntary Hospital: Mobilised in London 19 August 1914. Whilst not involved directly in the fighting, hospital ships were frequently exposed to danger. August 13, 2020 Ursa Major face wash sky broadband twitter. See No. On 5 September 1916, Miss Lilian Griffin died on the hospital ship Llandovery Castle. to Saint-Nazaire 5 September. Military Hospitals Admissions and Discharge Registers WW1. Most hospital ships were requisitioned and converted passenger liners. Hospital Ships and Military & War Hospitals at home. German U-Boats often patrolled along busy waterways between Britain and France and a number of hospital ships were attacked during the course of the war.. Although for most of the WW1 Kate Luard served on the Ambulance Trains, in Casualty Clearing Stations and a Field Ambulance- intermittently she worked in various Stationary and General Hospitals in the base area. Page 169, Appendix D. Unfortunately, it is only a list of names, without any dates or other details. Notes. The earliest record of British hospital ship was Goodwill, which briefly accompanied a Royal Navy squadron in the Mediterranean in 1608 or 1609. Early modern era Seventeenth century. "- These were originally created and kept by the ‘war office’ under the heading ‘representative medical records of servicemen’. hospital ship sunk ww1. Dedicated 26.02.2002". ... detailed transcription directly from the Military Hospital records in the National archives collection reference MH106. Over WW1, a number of British Hospital ships were sunk either by means of torpedoes or mines. The sinking of the hospital ship HMHS Rewa on January 4th 1918. Introduction. 32 Stationary Hospital, below: No 1 British Red Cross: Le Touquet Oct 14 - … Landed at le Havre 30 August. Only 32 survivors were reported. To Boulogne 29 October and Wimereux next day. Plumridge's "Hospital Ships and Ambulance Trains" has a list of Hospital Ships and other vessels used for the reception, treatment and movement of casualties during the Gallipoli campaign. Remained there. Hospital ships hit mines or were deliberately targeted. Page 169, Appendix D. Unfortunately, it is only a list of names, without any dates or other details.