I'm pooping but can provide sources/elaboration later if anyone is interested in my shitty opinion. How Important Is Stretching? If you don't stretch your muscles and connective tissue around the muscle, it will adaptively shorten. Flexibility training is an essential, yet often overlooked health-related component of fitness, offering numerous health benefits when performed regularly. How important is stretching before and after your workout The answer truly depends on who's asking. There are many reasons why having a flexible body is essential to our health and well-being. You don't need to be an athlete or a gym junkie in order to practice stretching. How important is stretching and should I do it? But I've frequently regretted skipping it, and never regretted actually doing it (afterward is very important for me). Be it lifting your baby or bending down to pick up something. Even so, most lifters don’t have crystalline goals, or they have goals that are, frankly, misguided […] By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Stretching doesn't have to take that long. I do zero stretching before a ride, but I do warm-up my legs before any intense training or excercise. I would recommend that you start doing something and see how it works for you. Stretching isn't just for your legs -- if you use a computer all day, loosening achy wrists feels great. It's very boring for sure, but I find if I skip it the next day my recovery is a lot worse. I'm not talking about tubs here. For example, golfer's elbow, which meant no arm workouts for a few weeks. When you say that your flexibility sucks, what exactly do you mean? No. I used to teach a lunchtime yoga class at work. Stretching is probably the most important thing you can do to supplement weight lifting. I think as you get older it becomes more important. I do however see the importance of being flexible in the sport however, as I think it reduces the risk of injuries in the event of a crash. Stretching before runs has been hotly debated. Discussion of everything bicycle related. I think it is really important. I think they actually showed a slight negative effect. Stretching cold muscles intuitively seems a bad idea. This is even more so as you age. Basically, the training protocol you implement needs be something that will accomplish your goals. Use these tips to keep stretching safe: Don't consider stretching a warmup. Tricks Tutorials: Developing Flexibility has more information about dynamic and isometric/PNF stretching. bikes Soon after I started riding my road bike further and further the more I cramped up, then soon came the neck/back pain, I find stretching right after my ride when my muscles are warm a great idea, because if I do it before I go to bed my muscles are stiff again. Static stretching exercises are for example when you get into a stretching position until you feel tension and hold it for 20-30 seconds. If you are doing resistance training with full ROM, you are already doing dynamic stretching. My workouts are already quite long, 1.5-2 hours, and what hinders me the most is the time it takes to finish stretching. I will say I didn't the first 3/4 years I lifted and could tell, I wake up feeling better now that I do. Movement is an essential part of life, but so is flexibility. I did it for years, and I watched a number of minimally active people go from their early 50s to early 60s. Stretching is something that often gets put on the back burner when we hit the gym. Before stretching, warm up with light walking, jogging or biking at low intensity for five to 10 minutes. I don't know how important stretching is from like an injury preventions point of view (or performances), but for me, having a better flexibility than a cave troll is very important. Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight. Flexibility will help increase your range of motion on your lifts, but you really shouldn't do static stretching before you work you out. It is important that people stretch on a regular. Flexibility is defined as the range of motion within a joint along the various planes of motion. The latest answer as to whether it’s advised to stretch before or after a run may surprise you. I personally need to do some stretching every single day, for the rest of my life. For instance, if your chest is strong and your calves are tight—a common s… Muscle tig… bike cycling, Press J to jump to the feed. It is also considered as an important benefit of stretching. The older I get, the more important it gets. bicycles Beginners should start there. What Is Stretching & Why Is It Important? A more informed person could tell you. One’s flexibility is defined as the extensibility between two joints, allowing for range of motion. Both gymnastics and dance require extreme stretching of muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Watch this video to find out just how important it is for you to stretch and which stretches work best. Obviously stretching before lifting helps prevent injuries, and stretching in general at random times will help maintain mobility and flexibility... jump to content my subreddits WRONG! I stretch for 5-7 minutes every day when I get home from work. Stretching when muscles are warm is good. So I do do stretching while doing gym work to stay flexible. I had full rom in the big 4, but was not mobile- tight hamstrings, calves, thoracic. Being older is stupid and I disapprove strongly of it. Seems like it's quite forgotten/little talked about in cycling. What is most important, when looking at stretching, is the type of stretch being utilized along with the timing and placement of the specific stretch. However, muscle stretching, either before or after exercise does not produce any noticeable reduction in muscle soreness. But, even when I was younger, stretching made endurance activities better. People stiffen up with age, and if you want to be able to tie your shoes at age 70 you better start with good flexibility at 30, it gets a hell of a lot harder to build mobility later. How important is stretching? Stretching is an extremely important practice to add to your daily routine to be on your way to better health. I now do it for prehab. My mobility was worst when I was lifting the most weight. I don't even know why. It's better than nothing and can already see a major difference after 2 weeks. DOuse static stretching to maintain flexibility, but do it after your workout, not before. Improved functional movements. My general flexibility sucks, and I've never ever stretched in a consistent manner once in my life (been weightlifting, doing sports etc). Heavy stretching is a great way to build muscle. Incredibly important, I've had a few minor stretch related injuries. bicycle thank you for stating this. Why is Stretching Important: 6 Key Benefits. If you're like me, you probably neglect this aspect of your fitness regime, even though stretching has major benefits. Why exactly is Stretching Important. I know stretching is really important for preventing injuries but, "Even doing a few static stretches at the end of a single workout will help with next-day muscle soreness so you won't be moving like a corpse." Stretching for just 10-15 minutes before bed every day for example is hell of a lot more than doing nothing. How important is stretching to you? Stretching is very important for flexibility, range of motion and injury prevention. Facebook 1.5k Tweet Pin 25 LinkedIn Print. As a young child I was very flexible because I was a gymnast and dancer. Then, when you call on the muscles for activity, … Stretching incorrectly can actually do more harm than good. For injury prevention there's almost no literature that says stretching after or before a workout will prevent muscle injuries (though some that suggests there's an increased risk of injury with pre-workout stretching) and as a means of improving flexibility there are a variety of other techniques to use other than a static stretch. 1. Honestly, the research on this subject has mixed results –[...] Read More There are several important muscles and muscle groups that are mechanically impossible to stretch much, including ones (like the quadriceps) that people think they are stretching.4 Even if stretching actually had the benefits that people believe in — which it clearly does not — those benefits would still not actually be available for large areas of our bodies. Don't know if science supports that though. Flexibility allows you to make better moves to perform the chores of your daily life. DOstretch tight muscles when training a favorite or strong body part. Then I read where stretching actually loosens tendons and muscles that are important for holding cartlidge and bones together. there's a big stretching movement in the fittit community right now without people really researching it. that said mobility is good. Stretching improves muscles extensibility through two ways; active or how much your nervous system can tolerate a stretch and passive how much can the mechanical structures tolerate it. Flexibility is one of those things that can only help you, but for the average person it's probably not the highest priority. But if you have all the flexibility you need for lifting, you hate stretching and don't care what happens to it as you get older, then don't stretch. I find back stretching to be the most important for us cyclists, and hamstrings to help ease the pain on the lower back. Stretching is an important part of physical fitness. After reading about these benefits, it will be clear to you why is stretching important. bikeit! I like stretching and rolling in the evening, it’s part of my wind down routine and help get my body ready for sleep, Pre ride I’m all about warming up with body weight exercises. Ideally, you’ll stretch at least once a day every day, just to keep limber. Although multiple benefits from stretching exist, delaying or reducing muscle soreness does not appear to be a benefit. Also, adding stretching to your routine doesn't necessarily mean stretching for 30 minutes after each weight session, or doing yoga 2 hours 3x a week. Also shin splints, walking's a bitch with those. i'm not preaching against mobility. If lifting was enough, back squatters wouldn't so often have such a mobility problem with front squats or pistol squats. When you stretch the muscle, fibers and connective tissue elongate allowing the stretched muscles to … Stretching refers to the process of elongating the muscles to improve ROM. It is important to know if you possess the ability to achieve all of the functional human movement patterns with proper technique. While stretching is important for flexibility, one promoted benefit of pre-exercise stretching is a reduction in soreness. 20. It's very important to athletic performance, but not really that important to gym performance as you don't really need to be all that flexible to bench/squat/DL. I get neck things, low back things, hip things. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Even doing a few static stretches at the end of a single workout will help with next-day muscle soreness so you won't be moving like a corpse. Some stretching is ok. How important is stretching? Q: How important is stretching to a weightlifter? (Plus 7 Stretches to Change Your Life) by Max Shippee. Don't get me wrong, building muscle and being active are setting you up for a long healthy life, just plan for a long life that isn't stiff. Soon after I started riding my road bike further and further the more I cramped up, then soon came the neck/back pain, I find stretching right after my ride when my muscles are warm a great idea, because if I do it before I go to bed my muscles are stiff again. Within each joint there is an optimal range of motion (ROM) that is essential for peak performance. HOW TO STRETCHING HOW TO STRETCHING ️ Stretching is an important tool for improving flexibility and rom, however is there a greater benefit to stretching? Does it prevent you from carrying out everyday tasks? Here are 10 reasons why you should be stretching on a regular basis. 2. Tim Hall's flexibility training material has more advanced information and uses dynamic and isometric/PNF stretching methods. How important is stretching? Stretching can actually make you MORE susceptible to injury. You should do a brief 5 minute mobility circuit to warm up your joints. I hate stretching. bicycling A 2011 Cochrane Database Systematic Review looked at 12 studies and determined that stretching had a minimal effect on post-exercise soreness. Stretching is a training method that consists of stretching muscles and, if regularly practiced, it helps you to achieve a good level of joint mobility. Stretching isn't just for warming up - stretching and mobility will enable you do perform your lifting movements more effectively and assist in engaging the correct parts of the muscle. If we talk about long term doing some functional stretching would benefit a lot of people in general, weightlifting or not. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. However, not all of them are suitable for a warmup – simply because your muscles should be properly warmed up before they are stretched. How important is stretching and should I do it? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Cookies help us deliver our Services. You may hurt yourself if you stretch cold muscles. I find Thoracic Spine Mobility extremely important for biking, looking up all the time takes it's tole on my after about an hour, my neck get's pinched, I've had somewhat bad posture since I was a teenager playing games all day and I'm paying the price now at 35 years old. I'd say warming up the muscles is far more important and beneficial than actually loosening them up by stretching. Stretching is necessary if you do not have the mobility to achieve a desired end range of motion because you lack the flexibility to do it. Even if you are not planning on exercising vigorously, it is still important to stretch in order to receive multiple benefits for your body and your mind. Make it a fun goal to get more flexible while your self-quarantining during COVID-19! Stretching Provides and Improves Flexibility. Very important! A: To some extent it depends on the individual, a statement that applies to any fitness pursuit. General Discussion. Oct 29, 2018 06:43 AM By Sadhana Bharanidharan. How important is stretching to fitness? Studies have shown no benefits to stretching pre or post ride. As many of us are social distancing at home, and partaking in some killer at-home workouts, we need to remember to stretch too! The point of going to the gym is to lift and get your cardio in, right? Not only can stretching help increase your flexibility, which is an important factor of fitness, but it can also improve your posture, reduce stress and body aches, and more. I mainly stretch before I run, because my legs feel slightly achy if I don't do it (I work at an office), but otherwise I don't pay much attention to stretching.. From what I've been TOLD, there isn't much scientific evidence that points to stretching boosting athletic performance. Did you know that regular stretching is just as important as regular exercise? By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I’m 41 and while I’m quite flexible, I really have to keep up on my stretching. Why Stretching Is Important For Your Body. Starting Stretching is a basic stretching routine for overall flexibility. I stop by the sauna on my way out of the gym stretch for 5 or 10 minutes daily and feel much better. It is important to maintain regularity with stretching. Why stretching is important. I’ve found what helps me is yoga and core workouts. Honestly, not very. The stretching activities help in … They also work aggressively on the mobility of joints. The idea of stretching comes to many as an involuntary action, it’s just something you always have done before being active. How many people actually put any thought into stretching? I‘ve come a long way as a distance runner and honestly as I’ve gotten better and run more in college I’ve started stretching less all the way to the bare minimum to just stay healthy. It can have some nice psychological benefits mainly as it feels good. Doing it for one day and then skipping it for the next three days is not going to be of help. We all know stretching is important, but exactly how important is it? My general flexibility sucks, and I've never ever stretched in a consistent manner once in my life (been weightlifting, doing sports etc). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Discussion of physical fitness/exercise goals and how they can be achieved, Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Stretching is important because it helps you maintain your flexibility and range of motion in your joints. I know when I run bases without warming up and stretching I'll pull my quads every single time. Penis stretching primarily refers to manual stretching exercises done to increase penis length. Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Is it incredibly important or not? I was lined up for an expensive shoulder surgery 3 years ago, after many consultations, but I found one stretch that fixed my issue completely. This simple form of exercise can be performed on a daily basis to ensure that your muscles are in a healthy condition. Different types of research studies state that there are four measures of overall fitness; aerobic, muscular, body composition and flexibility. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 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